Internet Explorer

This is a three-part article about internet browsers in multiuser environments like Citrix Server VDA or Remote Desktop Service (RDS). The articles explain how to deploy and configure the internet browser to work smoothly in those kinds of environments. The most common browsers my customers use are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox; therefore, a three-part article.

Please be aware that some things might change between browser version and need to be checked with each version.
This first part is about Microsoft Internet Explorer and, in my opinion, is used in most organizations as the primary browser, if not the only supported one.

Citrix Netscaler & Certificates

Many of my customers struggle when it comes to certificates, and I mean just with the basics -- not the whole PKI stuff. Netscaler is Linux-based and that seems to make it even more difficult. Not to mention, people also tend to make things more complicated than they really are. In my opinion, to understand what you are doing should be a given (at least to some degree), but many out there just want step-by-step guides that they can work through. That is my explanation why many have issues when it comes to Netscaler and Certificates.

A detailed explanation of the 'easy way' will look like it's not so easy in comparison to the step-by-step guide but once understood it will be even simpler to do.

I must assume some things and I can not start without some basic knowledge:

As a freelancer, I encounter quite often Citrix pitfalls customer tend to step in. Since I have seen them many times I can quickly fix them to the surprise of the administrator in charge.

Now here is a list of common Citrix pitfalls:

  1. After the setup of StoreFront you or anyone else cannot login. Delivery Controller are set and everything looks fine.
    Most common issue: By default, the Delivery Controller TCP port is set to 443 and NOT port 80! XenDesktop Delivery Controller or XenApp are not using 443 by default and therefore will not response to requests.
    Quick Fix: Change to HTTP and TCP port 80 in the Delivery Controller properties
    Best Fix: Especially if you run StoreFront on the Delivery Controller - Enable SSL/443 with either a private or public certificate.

For a project I'm working on the customer ordered Raspberry Pi3 Thin Client from ViewSonic to evaluate. Why is this interesting? Citrix made the promise to release a Thin Client blow $100 dollar to end, in my opinion, stupid discussion about Thin- and Fat Clients and the initial price for the device.

Thin Client vendors have blown up the price for their devices that many customers said it's the same or even more expensive as a fat client. The customer total leaves out the fact that Thin Clients have normally a much longer lifetime than a fat client. I have customers still using the same Thin Clients for more than 10 years! The guy who is purchasing the device for the company doesn't know about it and just compare A with B and is a comparison between apples and pears - it's simply not the same!

Citrix has been in the business for over 20 years; the founder and dominator of the multi-user market. The questions are always the same: "Do I need XenApp or XenDesktop - Isn't Microsoft Remote Desktop enough? Do I have to spend a lot of extra money on Citrix?" I was a Microsoft MVP for Remote Desktop Service (RDS) for four years and I remember the last time I was in Redmond. I said some things Microsoft should change or add that have become true with the latest release of Windows server. I never have to "sell" anyone Citrix when RDS is just enough. It always depends, but I think things have changed such that it’s now time to re-think.

Citrix released StoreFront 3.5 and for me the one that finally killed Web Interface! You should get your Hands dirty with 3.5 :-) First lets have a look what has been added to the 3.5 release of Citrix StoreFront.

New Features:

  • Store-centric console architecture for authentication and Receiver for Web settings
  • Specify the optimal NetScaler Gateway appliances for various users
  • New or enhanced Receiver for Web settings: